RIPTA Bus Hub in Kennedy Plaza: This Group Wants it to Stay!

The future of RIPTA’s downtown Providence bus hub remains unresolved, even though it has been [...]

The R-Line Is Crucial to PVD And A Model For RIPTA

The R-Line is both RIPTA’s busiest line, carrying about one sixth of all RIPTA passengers, [...]

Bike and Scooter Sharing Ridership Gives New Urgency to Urban Trail Network

“I love SPIN scooters for their convenience. I can unlock it in 10 seconds and [...]

Watching as the Bus System Drives Over the Cliff

By this summer, the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) will be facing a deficit of approximately [...]

Providence Streets Crash Data Released

A new interactive data and mapping initiative from the Providence Streets Coalition (PSC) is now available to [...]

Dangerous Intersection: RIDOT Hides Crash Data from Public

PROVIDENCE — Crash data — where they happen, how, and who is involved — is [...]

TRANSIT FORWARD RI 2040: Where Is Providence Going?

Are you fed up with crowded, congested roads?  Worried about your safety on those roads?  [...]

Why I Take the Bus

Only six percent of all Rhode Islanders regularly take the bus, and I am one [...]

Ready to Ride the Rails

While some see trains as nineteenth-century technology, modern trains are perhaps the greenest way to travel over intermediate distances, [...]