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Do you have your own creative project in mind? We have makerspace equipment that might be useful! We offer access to Silhouette and Cricut cutting machines, sewing machines, sublimation printing, a Glowforge laser cutter, Wacom drawing tablets, a button/pin maker, and heat presses for fabric and mugs.
To participate, simply follow these steps:
1. First, we encourage you to request a training or attend a scheduled class to learn the basics of a specific machine beforehand. We can set up a separate appointment to meet with you during the week.
2. After you are trained, come work on independent projects during open studio sessions! This month, we are hosting studio sessions for adults on Monday evenings, Wednesday mornings, and Friday afternoons at Rochambeau. (Look for other times and locations throughout the week, too!) Please RSVP with Garrett at so we can predict which machines will be in demand.