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The Rhody Art-cade is back! On Thursday, February 6th at 7:00pm, we’ll be at the AS220 Black Box in Providence exploring games as our art-form. Join our Discord if you have questions or want to join a kickass community of game devs and artists.
our Discord
This month we’re going to do a mix of open mic, play testing, and the Art-cade itself! Bring yourself, some of your work, and let’s get to know each other, inspire each other, and play some games. I’d also like to gauge interest in public showcasing for March or April.
7:20 – Announcements
7:30 – Open Mic (dev logs, share and tell, lightning talks)
8:00 – Play testing, Art-cade
7:20 – Announcements
7:20 – Announcements
7:30 – Open Mic (dev logs, share and tell, lightning talks)
7:30 – Open Mic (dev logs, share and tell, lightning talks)
8:00 – Play testing, Art-cade
8:00 – Play testing, Art-cade
“What is The Rhody Art-cade?”
The Rhody Art-cade is two things. One, the Art-cade is a chance to engage with awesome interactive experiences. We do public events to show the public what our artistic medium is capable of and what local folks are making with it. The Art-cade mostly showcases games, but not always! Two, the Rhody Art-cade is a collective of folks who passionately create interactive experiences as an art-form over a living. Most of us are game developers, but not all!
“I’m not sure I’m an artist, or that games are my art-form.”
If you’re pouring yourself into creating an interactive experience, you’re our people. You don’t have to be Jackson Pollock or Dostoevsky or Florence Welch. You’re artist enough for us if you’re working to tell a story, crafting fun and memorable moments, or trying to capture something you found in yourself or out in the world.
“Where is the AS220 Black Box?”
The Black Box is located in AS220’s Empire Street Complex. You can find it at 115 Empire St, Providence. You’ll probably walk in the AS220 bar first, turn right and head through the door. Parking can usually be found on Washington Street between Dave Gavitt Way and Greene Street.