02908 Neighborhood is One of Providence’s Most Endangered Places

Over the last twenty years, rapid redevelopment in the Elmhurst, Smith Hill and Wanskuck neighborhoods [...]

Preservation Awards Blending the Old and New

I joined Providence Preservation Society as Executive Director last October and one thing that struck [...]

With Sale Pending, Atlantic Mills Tenants Concerned about Future of Community Hub

The tenants of Atlantic Mills — an Olneyville community staple which has hosted the Big Top [...]

Getting Serious About Providence’s Housing Crisis

It’s no secret that Providence is in the midst of a housing crisis. In 2012, [...]

Community Members Share Concerns About Future of John Hope Settlement House

As the sun was setting on August 27, about two dozen people from a variety [...]

Providence Unsung Heroes:  Meet Dave Talan of the Elmwood Little League

On a sunny early summer Saturday morning in1975, one of Dave Talan’s neighbors on Santiago [...]

For the Public Good: Triggs Memorial Golf Course

Triggs Memorial Golf Course, nestled between Rhode Island College and Chalkstone Avenue, is often overlooked [...]