Letters to the Editor 07.31

To the Editor,

I opposed the takeover of Providence schools in 2019 for a very simple reason.  Takeovers of community schools by states usually do not work.  As Jon Howard’s article points out, the takeover by RI has basically been an abject failure.   The state of RI, as is the case with most of the initiative of Raimondo and McKee, has completely failed the kids and residents of Providence.  Thanks, RIDE, for wasting all of our time and money and producing nothing of value.  We told you that when you started, and we were right, and RIDE just screwed up a bad situation to make it worse.  Go away and do not darken our doors again.

And, regarding the comments on why public housing fell behind do not reflect the real story.  The landlords paid off Congress to stop building public housing so they could jack up rents more.  It is greed, nothing less, probably with some racism by southern Congress critters tossed in, too. That stopped the Feds from building more housing.  Time to evict the slum lords.

Greg Gerritt