Letters to the Editor 01.29

To the Editor,

Recently Josh Marshall posted an article in Talking Points Memo saying that Democrats are wary that Senator Whitehouse might vote to confirm RFK Jr. as Secretary of HHS. It turns out that Whitehouse and Kennedy are good friends dating back to the time they went to law school together. Whitehouse might also be seeking, through this friendship, some regulatory decisions that would be particularly beneficial to Rhode Island.

In response to the article a number of people have called or written Whitehouse imploring him to oppose the confirmation (count me in as someone who sent in an email). For people who called, I’ve read that the response from Whitehouse’s office went along the lines of, “Well, we don’t usually disclose confirmation votes in advance.”

This is unacceptable. Kennedy’s anti-vax, anti-science positions are already well-known, as is that fact that his endorsement of Trump was strictly a self-serving move of personal ambition. There is no excuse for Whitehouse to be issuing ambiguous responses to Rhode Islanders’ inquiries concerning the matter. He should put himself firmly on the record, now, that he will be voting against the confirmation of RFK Jr.

I urge everyone to contact the Senator’s office (email or phone) and let him know that we will not put the nation’s health in the hands of RFK Jr., a purveyor of debunked theories concerning vaccines and other health-related matters.


Robert Bedick


Dear “Eye!”


This is just a huge bow, hug, expression of gratitude for what you have created, are creating.

Eye is my “Home Page” and I await the new Wednesday editions with excitement.

From “The Toaster’s Collective” to the history of our Libraries — EYE catches the Eye, the heart, the mind

Your  contributors are our “best and the brightest”

In a time when it is easy to despair, your presence builds community and connects us

Wherein is our true power.


Love and gratitude,

Rich Streitfeld, Hope Street

To the Editor,

Such great news! So glad to hear you are thriving and that local news is starting to thrive again! Yay!


Michelle Le Brun